Game Changer

Life is not a game, despite how much we act like it is at times. We want to be in control. We want to know and determine our future. In a game, of any kind, you can only do so much to change the outcome. You can only do your part. Sometimes that part isn't enough to make a difference and sometimes it makes all the difference.

I've been reflecting on the phrase "game changer" a lot recently. It has come up in my life as a pattern of shifts that I cannot see coming. Sometimes these shifts are good and sometimes they are bad. In the end, God always finds a way to bring good from the bad.

God is the ultimate Game Changer.

The first time this phrase affected me was during a difficult conversation with my physical therapist. As of mid-August, I had been going to physical therapy for 9 weeks with the hope that the labral tear in my hip would heal without surgery. The outcome had been looking very good. I began physical therapy barely able to walk on my own without the assistance of crutches. By the end of the 9 weeks, I had gained so much strength back that I could walk on my own and even jog for a few seconds. I went into my second year of teaching feeling stronger and excited to be able to focus on the students. However, as the first few days and weeks of the school year began to pass, the pain in my hip increased rapidly. I finally went to see a surgeon and he found something new on my x-ray: there was not only a tear in the tissue of my hip but there was also impingement that was causing the bones to rub together. I went back to my PT later that week, told her what the surgeon had found, and she said "well that's a game changer...".

The new findings on my x-ray changed everything. I had exhausted all of my options from steroid shots, physical therapy, and needle therapy. Those certainly helped to build strength in my hip but they weren't enough. My last resort becoming my saving grace was not something that I could have seen coming.

.         .          .

Today, I am 2 days post-surgery. Since the day I made the decision to get the surgery until now, God has changed the game for the better in so many grace-filled ways.


  1. Wow, I love this. “ You can only do your part. Sometimes that part isn't enough to make a difference and sometimes it makes all the difference.” Your words take the pressure of to be perfect and that has made a difference in my own heart.


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